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Unfortunately there are many diseases your rabbit can catch, as well as some zoonotic diseases!

Some of the most common, as well as symptoms are following:​

* Please Note - if you believe your rabbit has any of the following or another disease, contact your vet immediately. Whilst I can provide some comfort and tips on treatment, your vet is more likely to be able to assist you in these situations.

Calicivirus - Rabbit haemorrhagic disease

Calici can be vaccinated against, although the vaccine only covers 1 of the 4 strains! Studies show it may also cover the fourth strain.

Unfortunately for us, the second strain, which has no vaccine, is the most common.

This disease is almost always fatal.

Symptoms may not always appear, but they may be

  • lack of appetite

  • lethargy

  • fever (hot ears)

To prevent this, you can put in place a high level biosecurity, including foot baths filled with bleach, f10 or virkon, wearing gloves when handling all rabbits, or spraying a healthy amount of disinfectant.
You may also fly-wire all of your cages, and have automatic fly sprayers in the room.


There is currently NO vaccine for Myxo in Australia!

To prevent your rabbit from catching it, house them in a fly-wired cage and/or run, and keep as many insects away as possible.

Myxo is almost always fatal.


  • discharge from the eyes, mouth and nose.

  • swollen genitalia

  • lethargy

  • fever

  • lack of appetite

Snuffles - Pasteurella 

Pasteurella attacks the upper respiratory tract.
Many rabbits may carry this disease, and not show any signs or cause any problems.

Snuffles usually will come on when the rabbit is stressed, or can be contracted from another rabbit with the virus.

Symptoms include:

  • sneezing

  • thick yellow discharge from the nose

  • wet paws from cleaning face

To prevent pasteurella, you will want to keep your rabbit housed in a stress-free environment, such as inside, away from harsh and changing temperatures or away from animals such as cats and dogs.
You can also wear gloves when handling all animals and spray your hands with a disinfectant.

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